

September 14, 2024 - September 30, 2024

Reflections- A Journey in Two Perspectives

In Reflections; A journey in two perspectives, we witness the strokes and etchings of 6 artist couples who’s journeys come from different paths of life in art. As the title suggests, the exhibition is a display of artistic visions, sharing vivid emotions in the same path of life. The visual statements act as a mirror in reflecting the anecdotes of human effort in understanding a partner , and the impacts of it in each other’s individual artistic journeys. These moments of unity and divergence highlight the complexity of human connection, a constant dialogue between seeing the world through one’s own lens while acknowledging the other’s. The exhibit reveals how distinct perspectives within a partnership weave together, not to create uniformity, but to reveal new dimensions. The dynamic between each artist pair is akin to the balance of color and form within their works, sometimes sharp and clear, other times soft and subtle. As we view the world through the dual
lenses offered by the artists, we too are encouraged to confront our own perspectives, questioning where we might find unity in divergence, or how our own reflections might shift when seen through the eyes of another. The concept unfolds that in both art and relationships, it is not the perfection of understanding, but the willingness to reflect, listen, and evolve, that reveals a true masterpiece.

The show exhibits 43 works of artists, namely Amrutha. R ∞ Darshan Kumar Y.U., Arathi H.K. ∞ M.G. Kulkarni, Devi Priya ∞ S.A. Vimalnathan, Sangam V.B.∞ Basavaraj. M, Urmila V.G. ∞ Venugopal V.G., Usha Mishra ∞ Dr. Gyanesh Ranjan Mishra.